Friday 26 September 2014

Just spent an enlightening couple of hours this morning with the author of this book. He is as interesting and informative to listen to as reading his book. Below is the review I wrote for the book and posted on the Amazon site.

The Innocence of Evil is, to my mind, a guilty pleasure. It is excellently written, plot and character driven and keeps you turning the pages right up to the last page. It is a unique story where you can find characters to love, to hate and wish would just get squished under the tires of Phoebe’s Thunderbird. 

I did blush quietly when reading some off the, tastefully described, colorful passages describing how the older, much experienced, Phoebe educated the young Robert in the art of lovemaking. I chuckled out loud reading about how Robert was going to get even with the evil Mr Flick for stealing Robert’s dinghy. I sweated with apprehension when Phoebe set out to show the Gompert boys what a determined, calculating, woman could do with a car when being tailgated at excessive speed. But in the end, all that guilty pleasure has to be paid for, and it is, with blood.

The Innocence of Evil is one of these books that will grow in stature with time and reading, and is destined to be a classic. I dare you to pick it up and not put it down till you wipe the last spatter of blood from the last page.

Below is the link to the Amazon page.

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